Create V2 Pool for USDC/GRELF 0.30%

Other than Network risk (which is already a given for dApps), another downside is the datebase costs on the platform. The “technical overhead” mentioned in the August 2024 AMA. The team did mention the cost to store all the data for the pools.

Another downside is liquidity fragmentation,


having Grelf split up in different pools would increase price impacts on some swaps (yes, concentrated liquidity would mitigate this, so long there’s liquidity in the area the swap is trying to get).

That’s really the only substative objections I could think of. For the Liquidity fragmentation risk,


if Grelf holders are okay with it, then that shouldn’t much of an issue for anyone else (not much reason a non-Grelf holder to care that much of liquidity fragmentation of Grelf).

As for the technical overhead,


from my understanding of the Larry 300 (or LARI 300. I should double check) that was hinted earlier, it should help with the data costs by culling some data support of illiquid pools. (Although I hope for a bigger solution like subgraphs from Hedera so every developer can benefit). Personally I might have some hesitancy, mainly because I don’t know how big of an issue this is when it comes to numbers and costs. But I know I would feel a little bit at ease after the Larry 300 update.

Oh and active management. Again, issue for Grelf holders. Although it got me thinking about the autopools. Like what requirements are needed for them, but that’s a side tangent that I hope future CLMM pools creators will think about.

So some of the positives.


Grelf has shown strength on the platform. I don’t have the updated numbers on me right now, but Grelf/Sauce v1 pool did beat the liquidity to emissions ratio and holds a lot of Sauce in that pool. And since the SaucerSwap team in their recent proposal is shifting focus from raw TVL metrics and more closer to trading volume relative to liquidity, it would be a smart move for token projects to consider CLMM pools.

Overall, a few green flags, a couple a question flags for Grelf holders (which I probably should had presume it was already discussed amongst yourselves. Damn, I’m loopy lol) , and a pink flag that’s not even really the token project’s fault, just the circumstances.

P.S. I almost forgot. Fee tier. Mainly for the Grelf holders, but why 0.30% as opposed to any other of the tiers?

Hey @Larry, I don’t suppose the Larry 300 update would go live anytime soon? :eyes:

P.P.P.S. edited format to make the wall of text less long.