Title: Motion to vote on turning off the !sparechange feature.
Submission Date: Aug 8th 2024
Summary: We should turn off the !sparechange until further notice.
Abstract: We should turn it off because it is being abused far more than it is being used.
Motivation: Preventing possible crime/abuse
Specification & Rationale:
The !sparechange feature was implemented near the beginning when everyone was new.
I understand that new people are coming everyday, and hopefully more will come.
- While it has helped some of us, ultimately it is being abused far more than it is being used.
- Enough data has been gathered to determine it’s abuse.
- While it is a very small amount of hbar, over time with enough fake accts could add up (particularly in some countries)
- While this is likely just theft, other more nefarious intentions could be construed.
Perhaps more details can be shed on this issue.
Benefits (Pros): The people abusing the system will be unable to.
Downside (Cons): Someone could be stuck in a situation where they were unable to trade, (but this will happen to them eventually anyways).
Voting: Yes/No
I welcome all comments.