HBAR incentives to be deployed on SaucerSwap pools associated with HCHF and HLQT.
This proposal builds on the discussions from the RFC: Activating/Adapting LARI for SaucerSwap pools:
- For HCHF:
a. V2_USDC/HCHF SaucerSwap | Leading Crypto Trading Protocol on Hedera - Fast, Secure Swaps with Low Fees. Stake & Earn.
b. V2_HBAR/HCHF SaucerSwap | Leading Crypto Trading Protocol on Hedera - Fast, Secure Swaps with Low Fees. Stake & Earn.
- For HLQT:
a. V2_HBAR/HLQT SaucerSwap | Leading Crypto Trading Protocol on Hedera - Fast, Secure Swaps with Low Fees. Stake & Earn.
The distribution of the amount of HBAR assigned to encourage the use of pools will be adjustable based on the liquidity of the pools, assigning a higher percentage to the most used pools or those with greater liquidity.
Title: HBAR incentives to be deployed on SaucerSwap pools associated with HCHF and HLQT.
Author(s): Cryptonomy, GlobeBit & HLiquity Team
SaucerSwap Voting Interface: na
Related Discussions: Create V2 Pool for HBAR/HCHF 0.30% (Reproposal Due to Updated Criteria)
Submission Date: December 27, 2024
This proposal focuses on incentivizing liquidity provision for the three HLiquity-related V2 pools. The incentives will be in HBAR and the goal is to increase Liquidity for HCHF and HLQT related V2 pools.
Stablecoins are crucial for the Hedera ecosystem, providing stability and fostering broader DeFi adoption. HCHF is an overcollateralized stablecoin backed by HBAR, offering a reliable asset for users. Additionally, HLiquity, the protocol behind HCHF, is the first decentralized borrowing protocol on Hedera, allowing users to draw interest-free loans against HBAR in the form of HCHF, a Swiss Franc stablecoin.
HLQT captures protocol revenue, rewarding users for their participation in the ecosystem.
- Supports stablecoin liquidity on Hedera, crucial for DeFi adoption.
- Encourages the use and adoption of HCHF, enhancing the ecosystem’s stability.
- Helps maintain a diverse range of liquidity pools within the SaucerSwap ecosystem.
- Rewarding all early protocol participants and those who are participating in staking and as liquidity providers on SaucerSwap
Website https://hliquity.org/
Documentation https://docs.hliquity.org/
Sentinel Report HCHF Sentinel: Sentinel
X: x.com
Yes: We support the implementation of HBAR incentives on SaucerSwap V2 pools associated with HCHF and HLQT.
No: We do not support these incentives.