RFC - Proposal to create a V1 Sauce/Stickbug Yield farm

Title: RFC - Proposal to create a V1 Sauce/Stickbug Yield farm
Author(s): Stickbug, Postmaster, and the Stickbug community
SaucerSwap Voting Interface: n/a
Related Discussions: n/a
Submission Date: 10/14/24

  • Summary:

We propose creating a V1 Sauce/Stickbug Yield Farm. We currently have one of the higher liquidity amounts of community native tokens with over 40,000$ in liquidity and much of that locked. Having a liquidity pool would help growth and community engagement. Additionally we plan to expand on to other networks like BASE and SOL and only reward users who come to Hedera with staking and yield farms. Thereby this would be an incentive for users to come to hedera.

  • Motivation:

Stickbug loves SaucerSwap, it is the leading DEX on Hedera and we believe that Hedera will be a leading token in the future. While we want to expand to other networks, it is only to show new users the light - Hedera, Hashpack, Saucerswap. Stickbug has maintained a strong community and impressive growth. We have partnered with big names. Some other details:

  • We have over 40,000$ in liquidity currently, with a majority locked >7 months.
  • We have partnered with Karate combat with a licensing agreement to create NFTs for fighters to help fund them giving them over 60% of all proceeds.
  • We plan to stay primarily on Hedera but plan to go cross chain in order to find new users - will give rewards to users like staking and farming on Saucerswap as an incentive to come to Hedera.
  • Postmaster is a Karate Combat IFC fighter and doxed cofounder.
  • We are currently working with big names such as Keith Berry, Bitboy, Loudmouth, and JChains to bring more exposure to Hedera, Hashpack, and SaucerSwap.

Creating this farm would further incentivize users and help to reward community’s commitment.

  • Specification & Rationale:

Increased Liquidity and Stability: Creating a yield farm will attract more liquidity providers to the SAUCE/Stickbug yield farm improving its liquidity and stability. This will reduce volatility and allow for Stickbug to be a more attractive long-term investment.

Community Engagement: This adjustment will reward Stickbug’s core community, acknowledging their commitment and offering extra incentives for ongoing engagement, injecting more energy into the ecosystem. It will also serve as an attractive reason for Stickbug holders to move to Hedera network.

  • Benefits (Pros):

Enhanced Liquidity: Improved trading conditions, reduced slippage, and encouragement of long-term investment in Sauce/Stickbug pool.
Stronger Community Engagement: Increased involvement and enthusiasm from the Stickbug community, fostering a more vibrant and active user base
Crosschain Switching: This would incentivize our BASE and SOL users to come to Hedera.

Reduced Farm Weight for Other Pools: The redistribution may decrease incentives for other pools, potentially impacting their liquidity.

  • Voting:
    • For: To allow Stickbug to have a Yield Farm for the SAUCE/Stickbug pool.
    • Against: No Farm

We hope that the SaucerSwap community votes in favor of this farm to enhance Stickbug’s growth, impact, and ability to bring new users to Hedera.


Stickbug builds for the future :rocket:

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How much farm emissions weight you intend to allocate for this proposed farm, and how do you proposed to achieve this weight?


Could you clarify? I was intending to do the minimum 0.3% and to get it on transactions as in a typical farm of this nature.

There’s currently 59.82 SAUCE/minute being emitted into the V1 farms. You propose a 0.30% emission weight, which is about .18 SAUCE/minute.

Those SAUCE emissions would have to come from somewhere. A different farm? Different farms? Taking it from emissions allocated to DAO or LARI rewards? Maybe from emissions allocated to Core dev accounts?

I don’t necessarily disagree with the target emissions weight amount. I’m more interested in the justifications of the line by line emissions changes to achieve this target.

Oh, good news for you. The farms weights page has been updated recently.


Barbara, I want to thank you for clarifying and regret I didn’t state this.

I see what you mean. In the grand scheme of things while our liquidity pool is big for a memetoken, it is still not very big and would not be a large impact on the SaucerSwap ecosystem especially at an ask of 0.30%. As we strive to bring more users to Hedera and SaucerSwap and this being an incentive to help bring users here, I don’t think it would be a big ask to justify emissions from DAO.

I do not feel that taking from the Core Dev accounts would be a good allocation for SaucerSwap, and the top liquidity pools (other than HBAR/HST and HBAR/LCX) I wouldn’t feel comfortable asking to take from those pools.

I await your feedback and wonder if this sounds agreeable to you?



Alright, now the conversation is more focused.
That leaves all the other pools up for consideration for emissions cuts.

I could maybe a bunch of comparison charts to maybe help brainstorm some ideas, but that would probably be published out tomorrow. Or maybe you already have pools in mind you have selected for cuts. Then the question becomes will it be a few pools with big cuts, or a bunch of pools with shallower cuts, or a mix of shallow and big cuts.

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At a 0.30 spread from DAO alone would be a large ask? In addition could possibly take small amounts from LCX/HBAR, QNT/HBAR, WAVAX/HBAR, HBAR/HST to decrease the overall impact on the DAO?

Let me know what you think. I again appreciate your valuable responses so far!

First, I need to rewind a bit.

The tokenomics review has Yield Farms as a separate line from DAO + LARI, but the V1 farm weights page has both DAO and LARI on separate lines.

Very confusing, but looking through the numbers, it does seem the DAO and LARI emissions does not have a separate bucket AND dipping into the Yield Farms as well.

So rolling back to the proposal,
115.31 SAUCE/minute to Yield Farms + DAO + LARI, which means at 0.30% emissions weight, you are proposing a STICKBUG/SAUCE farm to receive about 0.346 SAUCE/minute. Comparing that to a LP that receives 0.30% emissions weight like HBAR / STEAM that receives 547 SAUCE per day, which is equivalent to … 0.380 SAUCE/minute.

uh oh. rounding errors afoot somewhere. Adding the percentages in the Yield farms pages gets … 99.60%.
@nubeasado help. Math is not mathing. Yes rounding error and all, but since there’s farm emissions that are smaller than this error, can we get more precision on the weights page. Like an extra decimal place.

For the sake of moving this conversation forward, let’s go with the intent of having a new emissions farm that is similar to SAUCE/GRELF, HBAR/DOVU, HBAR/SENTX, HBAR/CLXY, HBAR/JAM, HBAR/STEAM & HBAR/HSUITE. It’s probably easier to refer to these pools as the 0.30% club lol.

First the 0.30% emissions weight number. I’m genuinely more interested in how to achieve this target weight rather than the weight number itself, but at a quick glace xSAUCE/Stickbug currently has more liquidity and more trading volume in the last week than CLXY/HBAR, HBAR/SENTX, JAM/HBAR V1 pools. 3 out of the 7 of the 0.30% club. If anyone wants to argue that it’s just a temporary or unsustain, or some trading manipulated, go ahead, but I’m only seeing the numbers as it is right now.

Next the cuts. Any cuts to the DAO emissions is probably too early to discuss, mainly taking into consideration the Core team’s proposal to allocate more emissions to Development funds and then I proposed something similar for the DAO.

I still need more time on giving opinions on the specific pools you’ve mention. I still haven’t done the data entry stuff. I will get to it tomorrow. But I will say since there’s a V2 pool for HBAR/HST, the HST community might be okay with a call emissions cut, or at least don’t mind it as much. But if they (or any community really) wants to vehemently defend their emissions, do speak up here and during the voting periods.

Finally, I probably should ask why SAUCE/Stickbug instead of the xSAUCE/Stickbug pool? Unless there’s something funky going on with the price data, it does seem like there’s more liquidity in the xSAUCE/Stickbug pool and higher Fees APR.

The creator of Stickbug is Bheing, who we all know have rugged multiple meme projects (Argyl, Kekleo, Rope), then created Sauceinu, made promises of sponsoring KC fighters, and rugged it (he claimed that a Dev rugged the project) until Safe Investor AG came along and took over the Sauceinu brand. Be cautious of this project run by a serial scammer–you never when he will have a breakdown and rug everyone again. People lost a lot of money from being rugged by him. Check ClubHBAR for receipts if you’re interested.

V1 emissions should not be reallocated from legitimate projects like QNT, WAVAX, HST to a project ran by a serial rugger, imo.

I lost $2k USD from being scammed by Bheing. I’m trying to prevent YOU from getting scammed. Check ClubHBAR if you don’t believe me. Anyways, good luck and hopefully you don’t get rugged by Stickbug.

Salty ex memeber of stickbug family that has too much time on their paper hands.

We all know who it is. So sad…

Been around stickbug community for 6 months. Talked to the team in the discord, observed every move. Fair launch, transperent actions, clear mission, great memes.

From what I know, creator of the project made stickbug as a passion project. To build something meaningful, with utilitie and great community.

Just a memeber of a discord community and stickbug supporter.



I mean bro, if you lost $2k USD you’d be salty too. I got burned real bad across all three projects and had a lot of faith in Bheing. But bro rugged everyone and ghosted all of us. Anyways, it’s your money and do with what you want. Just giving you a heads up in case his project goes sideways.

I’ve been part of both coins since the beginning. Look at sauce inu now. A project that’s doing very well and also stickbug itself is doing very well. If u lost money it’s because u got scared and sold too fast.

I believe both projects are going to be big for headera and saucerswap. It’s the projects that are actually trying to make a change that standout. I’m just community member but I love the direction that stickbug is heading.

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Nah man, I never sold on Argyl, Kekleo, Rope-- that’s why my balance went to 0 when Bheing had a mental breakdown and rugged all three projects.
I have a crap ton of SauceInu because Safe Investor AG took over and the community is great!
I have no faith in Stickbug bc Bheing is still heading it.

I have been in communication with safeinvestor and stickbug devs over last 6 months AND have actively participated in sauceinu and stickbug internal groups. I’ve been in contact with almost everybody involved. There are so many issues with this comment I don’t even know where to start.

  1. Sauce inu was NOT rugged. A rug is selling all your tokens and running off. The game on their website had an exploit built into it, because they contracted a 3rd party to do the coding for the sauceinu game on the website. The coder they contracted drained the wallets that used the game and ran off. Saying it was rugged is a blatently false misrepresentation of events. Also, let’s not forget that after this event happened, the dev gave back 60k$ of his OWN money to reinburse the community for what happened. Can you please explain to me what insane kind scammer would give back 60k of his own money?

  2. He did sponser KC fighters… after the exploit happened, he gave away his own money and he left the project. Now stickbug DOES have signed fighters for their NFT’s, and I’ve seen the interactions and paperwork behind this.

Do you understand that if he violated these contracts there would be legal and major financial actions that would be taken? Do you understand how utterly stupid it would be to scam people with legal contracts in place, especially a multi-million dollar organization (Karate Combat) that has basically infinite legal resources?

  1. ClubHbar is not a reliable source whatsoever. I know all about the toxic drama they start with projects viewed as a threat, and all the people they’ve slandered to make money… ironically including Safe Investor (LOL).

Using them as a source is pretty devious, considering how they have tried to destroy other projects and made all kinds of false accusations. As mentioned… including toward safeinvestor. They are well known for their sketchy behavior, fyi unfounded accusations more often than not come back to bite you… hard.

Sauce inu devs are honest, especially safeinvestor. He’s a solid dude and played a major part in bringing sauceinu back to life. But so is stickbug team

Now lets see what safeinvestor has to say about clubhbar-the people you cited as a “source”. I know exactly how they treated him, and so many others.

ag clubhbar

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I have no problem with Safe AG and he’s done a great job when he took over SauceInu. I hold a lot of SauceInu tokens.

I disagree on the Club HBAR comment. For the record, Stickbug admitted on ClubHBAR that he was Bheing and rugged his previous projects. Do with that information however you want, but for myself, I won’t be voting for this proposal as I can’t support someone who already rugged the Hedera community (numerous times).

Yeah something tells me this is a very distorted claim. Either you don’t what rug means, or you are deliberately distorting the meaning. I’m talking to him right now, and I was in sauce inu from the start.

It was not rugged, it was never rugged. No one rugged it. There was an exploit in the game code on the website built in by a third party coder, and the third party coder stole the tokens. The third party coder had no affiliation with stickbug devs or sauce inu devs beyond getting contracted.

You can disagree all you want about what AG said about clubhbar, what I said, and everybody else. Their toxic reputation and all the ways they try and FUD projects and slander people has caught up to them at this point and it’s basically an open secret among all the project devs.

I’m not surprised in the least this is the source of these kinds of accusations.

At some point this is going to backfire on them horribly.

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I think you’re missing the entire point. This proposal has nothing to do Sauceinu and Safe AG. My point is that Bheing, the creator of Stickbug, has rugged his previous projects -Honk, Rope, Kekleo, Argyl- and all of those projects are now at 0.

So no, I won’t be supporting Bheing and his Stickbug project.

I was about do some data entry things, but it seems there’s concerns of rugpulls and scams being mentioned. And well, I did mention I’d don’t really look into a project itself unless there’s scam concerns.

I personally have not kept track of who are in charge of what projects. Please forgive me as that’s my failing. There’s just so many tokens nowadays. That said, here are the Sentinel reports on kekleo and Argyl in which HeadStarter has put the ALERT SCAM RUGPULL labels on. Rope and Honk are not listed on the Sentinel page.

Or you could show us these receipts because not everyone is on that server. And it would be nicer to bring information to open display.

Also, enough about SauceInu. No idea how much comment space became focused on it when avocado has not alleging anything negative towards it. In fact, avocado seems favorable towards that project after some leadership changes.

But sometimes you have to be more explicit in outright stating it. lol.

Edit: I probably should amend this part here. While I think SauceInu project in it’s current form is not a related issue for this topic, it’s fair game to talk about the events that lead up to accounts being drained, provided you could make connections to related parties of the team then, this mysterious dev and to Stickbug team now.

So back to Stickbug. For reference, here’s their Sentinel report.

@avocado or if anyone else wants to drop receipts, they probably should soon. Or many someone want to drop counter receipts, they can do that. For now, I’ll hold off on data entry stuff for a few days.