RFC - [Proposal to Increase V1 SAUCE/GRELF Farm Weight from 0.3% to 1%]

This post should be an example of the how to outline V1 farm changes. Yes theres all the main paragraphs and upsides and downsides, but it also gets into the weeds of how it gets to the target goal as that would be the biggest point of contention.

Now we could focus conversations towards the merits and the details of getting to the target.

I will say the emissions weight page on the documentation is outdated, so I would hope any move to bring this to proposal/election waits for any updates and a revisions of the proposed changes to reflect it.

For the sake of conversation, lets use the numbers as its writtern now, even though I want to talk more about the targeted farm changes as opposed to the exact numbers. Also, I havent updated the chart I posted early as I didn’t have time this week, so my talking points is kinda based of that. I’ll try to have an updated chart before Monday.

Now, given all of that, lets talk about the proposed changes.


As these two had higher that the liquidity-weighted APR of LPs with emissions, a substantial cut makes sense here. Whether is should be by 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 4/5, etcs, we could argue about that. But based on that chart I had before, I’m okay with the 1/2 emissions cut to both these farms. (I’m using fractions here because using percents reduction talking about percents gets confusing).

So that’s 0.30% weight reduction.

  • Spaceape/Sauce

I’m just kind of curious why this one was mentioned when this and HBAR/BULL are similar in metrics when it comes to emissions weight and APRs. Maybe you could explain. Though honestly it should be their communities defending their emissions, but I will say they are both below the Liquidity-weighted APR. I probably should have a emissions weight to liquidity chart to have a different perspective.

So it’s not that I necessarily disagree with the proposed reduction, it potential room of contention if someone wants to defend.

  • the other farms

As for the other farms, those pool’s APRs are at or below the Liquidity-weighted APR. Again, I would like to hear reasoning that’s a little bit more than just skimming here and there.

So at this point, you got me at moving 0.35%, which is more than the current SAUCE/Grelf of 0.30%. More than doubling emissions would be a great achievement for Liquidity providers of Sauce/Grelf. But I do want to hear out the reasoning for things ive noted above.

Again, all of this is based on the emissions weight page that needs to be updated and also the Weighted-liqudity APR graph that should be updated as well.